
Vip and more: tattoo removal is increasingly frequent.


The most striking cases are the "Desperate Housewives" Eva Longoria, Angelina Jolie and "pirate" Johnny Depp, as well as Jessica Alba, Megan Fox and Britney Spears: the alarm against tattoos is rampant among the VIPs, which designs and to remove written engraved on the skin have resorted to cosmetic medicine. The goal? Remove the bad memories and possible damage to the image related to, eg, a former comrades.

Two other famous examples, Melanie B, the former Spice Girl, who had got a tattoo the name of Eddie Murphy, the father of her daughter, hip, removed after the split between the two, and Charlie Sheen, who after her divorce became clear from the wrist tattoo with the name of the ex-wife. "The VIP increasingly rely on cosmetic medicine to remove tattoos, and the phenomenon is catching on in Italy - said Alberto Massirone, the College of the Italian Scientific Societies of Aesthetic Medicine -. Then techniques are now much improved, they are not painful and the end result is much better than in the past. "

The colors to remove are not all the same - the tattoo is deeper and more recently, says the expert, the harder it is to remove: "The more experienced tattoo artists send the pigment much deeper than the less experienced, which remain on the surface more . Much also depends on the color of the pigment used: yellow and green are much more difficult to remove than black blue red and brown, fairly easy to remove, white is almost impossible to erase. " To get good results without causing too much bother, "the Board is to extend the laser treatment no more than 10-20 minutes per treatment. Typically, to erase a tattoo, are between 5 and 8 sessions (depending from the color of the pigment), spaced at least about 1 month apart. "

The laser that erases - For removal using a very powerful laser, in the order of megawatts, the power of which is very attenuated by the brevity of the output laser beam, which thus avoids the burn. The subcutaneous tattoo pigments react like popcorn: swell until they explode, remaining almost entirely healthy skin around the tattoo. The ideal time to remove them from October to April: "In the other months, especially in the summer, you can also remove a tattoo, but keep the area completely covered to prevent the sun's rays cause damage to the area of ​​skin affected by laser treatment, which needs to heal. "

Is cleared for work - "A U.S. study conducted by the Patient's Guide - continues Massirone - shows that between 2011 and 2012 the number of beauty treatments for tattoo removal by laser is increased by 32%, and 40% of those surveyed said they have done for 'business reasons', because the tattoo visible positions had become a real obstacle to finding a new job. In Italy tattoo removal is mainly linked to factors of the affective sphere and sentimental . But I do not exclude that a part is also time to have more chances of finding new employment: they are mostly young men who ask me to remove their tattoos, especially large or particularly complex. "


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