
Tattoos carcinogenic? What (not) to do in-room tattoo.


Tattoos, yes, but judiciously. Under examination by the prosecutor of Turin are finished samples of tattoo inks used in a center of the capital in Turin, in which an initial investigation would be present aromatic amines, chemicals harmful to health. The risk is that they may cause alterations in DNA with carcinogenic effects, explains Simone Garcovich, the Department of Dermatology at the Policlinico Gemelli in Rome.
Toxic pigments? - "The chemical transformation of these substances - explains the specialist -,` accelerated by exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet radiation) and monochromatic light (laser) may result in the formation of aromatic amines and other reactive derivatives. " Those found in the pigments finished on the table of sosituto prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello, produced by a company in San Ferdinando di Puglia, have been banned by the Council of Europe in 2008, but there were indications on the packaging required by law.
What are the risks? - The chemicals used in the pigments used in tattoos were not originally manufactured to be injected in high density in the skin. An example? "In particular, it was shown that the azo pigments such as red - says the expert` -, undergo transport processes and chemical decomposition when injected into the skin.
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Metals or natural? - The pigments used are metal salts and, more recently, organic pigments. In either case, be careful. "Those containing metal salts (chromium, cadmium, cobalt, nickel) - explains Garcovich - can cause allergic reactions and hypersensitivity." With all those `Henna, temporary but extracts from plants, the music does not change," because commonly added with para-phenylenediamine (PPD), composed of allergenic used to enhance the color and fixing Entries henna. " Even in this case the unpleasant surprise may be called "allergic dermatitis".
I have psoriasis: what to do? - Persons suffering from skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, lupus, lichen "it is good to refer to a dermatologist to evaluate the risks and complications related to the fulfillment of the tattoo."
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Tips for a safe-tattoo - If its not there to deny the whim of body-art "the advice is to consult a professional tattoo studios, which comply with the directives of the Ministry of health claims related to infectious prophylaxis," emphasizes Garcovich, recalling some basic precautions: "Prefer drawings too fragmented in areas of skin exposed to the sun and preferably of one color." A micro-tattoo, then, it is always easier to "wash away" if it becomes the trope than a `greatest work. Still, the tattoo-room will be more secure if, as requested by the Italian Association `tattoo (Atir), they will come clear rules and official records.


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