
Tattoff, when the tattoo is not like most.


More and more people decide to 'remove' a tattoo that does not like it anymore. A new trend that the dermatologist Will Kirby has called 'Tatooff'.

Will Kirby, American dermatologist, has coined a new term: Tatooff, which is the most sought always required to remove from the body tattoos that do not like anymore. Kirby on the removal of tattoos has built his career with more than 50,000 operations assets. As published in The Washington Post, 40% of Americans between the ages of 26 and 40 years performing at least one tattoo, a new trend to remove them may also prove to be a considerable business, if you think that to remove a tattoo of media size (about two inches) are required from ten to fifteen laser sessions (each with a monthly basis) to about 300 euro each. In Italy it is estimated that about one in four young and tattooed, although it is still a phenomenon in America, requests for 'detatuaggio' are increased considerably. According to Anna Maria Veronesi, a dermatologist and professor of the Master in Aesthetic Medicine at the University of Pavia, 'especially using the Q-switched Alexandrite laser, which affects only the colored pigment frantumandolo without damaging the surrounding tissue. Delete the black well, which is always easier to remove the color, but the blue, green and brown, while, if the design is colored red, which is one of the loveliest shade, you will require the laser ND Yag Q-Switched 532, characterized by a very high power and a shortest pulse 'Warning to yellow: it is virtually impossible to eliminate.


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