
United States, alarm tattoos and piercings!


The fashion for tattoos and piercings now has become a habit. Growing both in Italy and abroad, especially in America, where one study found that since the lowering of the age of the children who undergo tattoos has become increasingly alarming occurrence "boom" of allergies.
"They hurt, best not to do it" has always been the reminder of dermatologists.
Always the skin specialists have seen them as the prelude to allergies and infections, now the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has issued rules to keep them as new.
In spite of the warnings of doctors, in fact, the craze to draw indelibly on the body or anything pierce skin and cartilage with jewelry of all kinds grows among young and old, infecting even the smallest, denounce the ADF members.
Dermatologists, indicating a lowering of the age for the first earring and teenagers is rampant among the fashion for tattoos, permanent or temporary henna, decide upon a new strategy to be heard because they increase allergic reactions and infections transmitted by needles, ink or jewelry.

Meanwhile in Italy adverse reactions to tattoos are on the rise, as well as the phenomenon of the designs on the skin, especially among males and in the age group 25-40 years. In the last five-year period allergies have doubled and increased the reactions caused by the semi-permanent tattoos, such as henna-based, according to a study by a team of experts from the Institute of Health and the Institute of Dermatology San Gallicano.
And dermatologists Americans, where the fashion design of the skin is more extreme, have ceased to be compelling and have decided to give you advice on how to take care of decorations and jewelry inserted into the skin to prevent missteps. This, in a nutshell, the thought of over seventeen thousand members of the historical society of dermatology U.S., which drafted the first guidelines for parents, children and adults who love tattoos and earrings of all kinds:
For parents and children: earrings and tattoos, even temporary, are not without risks. Can trigger a serious allergic reaction and leave indelible scars, even when performed in extreme safety. That's why doctors advise against them unto babes.
For the kids: if you do not want to wait a few years, know that it is not a good idea to pierce the edge of the ears, over the lobe. In this area is easier than you unleashing reactions and keloid.
And it is not a good idea to pierce other parts of the body, for the same reason. Never think of yourself alone, or with the help of a friend, piercing or tattoos because it is too risky. With your parents, always ask where to go to a dermatologist, if you do not want to give up. Once done, follow to the letter the instructions of the dermatologist on how to avoid infections and allergies.


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