
Psychological meaning of tattoo


Originally were cavemen. The tattoo derives from a prehistoric custom of marking the body's self through incisions irreversible. With special tools our ancestors led into under the skin, pigments or dyes.
Today, with globalization, the tattoo has spread throughout the world. Hampered in the past or encouraged depending on the meaning that took (and takes) in various contexts: spiritual, religious, sassy-infringing, pornographic, political or just decorative.
Tattoo or tattoo comes from a discovery that archaeologist James Cook in the eighteenth century, discovered in Polynesia the name "tattaw", indicating the use Polynesian, the act of coloring the body for religious purposes, a kind of baptism. Think of the Maori in New Zealand.
Today has maintained order to score and color parts of the body. These tracks graphics convey messages aesthetic and spiritual rituals of caste, symbolic, sometimes real, in the sense that indicate interest in something, love somebody, your name etc.. And they are more or less visible, of course, based on the clothes worn
There are many people - young and old - in recent years they feel the need to affect the body such drawings , and occupying more and more areas of the body. On the beaches it seems that the number of tattooed people is increasing compared to a few years ago.
To explain this phenomenon, there would be a search for identity. "I think the tattoo is not only a fashion trend - says psychologist Roberto Pani, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Bologna - but a growing need felt by young people, but also middle-aged individuals, to characterize their identity. "
Brad Pitt has a tattoo Otzi, the Iceman mummy, prehistoric man found more than 5000 years ago whose body were recorded almost 60 tattoos. Own study of these tattoos, at points on the skeleton of the mummy, however, has suggested an end the most magical and curative religious or ritual.
The tattoo can still beautify the body, prune symbolic conventions, show anarchy to the external power and defy time, in the sense of stopping in the imagination of the subject all that changes.
The tattoo does not change, but it is immortal. Dress is a permanent, an ability to resist the unwanted transformations using a piece of subjective identity, inimitable, not derubabile, an identity of self from which one can not be excluded. It is a kind of new clothes (especially when the whole body is tattooed), customized for "eternity. '" In other words, refers to the size of the dream.
We may conclude that the young  need to dream and search for identity.
"They want more security, more certainty in the values, love, and not least in the work - continues the psychologist - that is to first find and then it would be believe in people, in the sense of being able to trust them, they would find consistency and less materialism. So occupy a symbolic colored dress, playful, joyful, they want to be visible. the master and say, this is mine, no one can take from me, I want to see something I've wanted for me, and protect me by unjust not see me and I do not consider ".


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