
New beauty: the tattoo in gold


You know the Henna tattoos? Here, you would have never imagined golden? And platinum? No, probably not, but the skin can now be enhanced with the fascinating semi-permanent tattoos to 99% gold!

The exclusive launch of this fashion was born in Dubai Burj Al Arab Hotel and has a cost that ranges from $ 50 to over 5000! These tattoos are nothing more than thin strips with 24-karat applied to the skin, and unfortunately last for about a week, but if it was for a special day, maybe you might even grant that luxury. It 's the first time that you can use gold and platinum on skin, and is a revolution in the field of body art! This is confirmed also the one who saw this trend in Japan and brought to Dubai, his name is Arnaud Flambeau. He adds, "This new art is almost like wearing a jewel of luxury on the skin, a revelation to many worlds: the world of makeup, one tattoo, that of luxury amenities." In this video you can see how they are made these tattoos.

Surely this new avant-garde is something that only applies to a certain target group, or you are rich, or difficult you can afford a detour from Dubai to make these beautiful tattoos. But it seems that this trend will gradually throughout the rest of the world! What do you think? It 'something that will go out of fashion in your opinion?


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