
Mom, I want to get a tattoo


At 18 decide for themselves. But before? How to deal with tattoo mania, security motivations

Of the three million "tattooed" in Italy, largely comprised of young adults, but more and more young people who dream tattoo and piercing, even if to win them over, before the age of 18, parental consent is essential . Tattoo we talked last Saturday in Milan, at the conference "Teens and look" organized by Laboratory Adolescence, born by the working group meeting on the theme, with students in Milan.

How Joice, 17, waiting 18 years for tattooing: two wings on the back with the initials of her mother and grandmother, "Not so great - he says -. I do not see to do it but for meaning. " While Christopher - music lover - is "negotiating" with the permission of the parents for a large treble clef tattoo on his arm. And if in a few years were to pass the passion for rock music? "It does not matter - he says - still featured a part of my life and it's okay if it leaves an indelible mark." Why, we must remember, the tattoo is almost indelible. Lucrezia Frasin, a dermatologist at the Hospital of Lecco, explained that "the techniques for laser tattoo removal are long, expensive and never completely decisive, because if they can remove the color (green, for example, is a shade closer not eliminate) the skin clears. " But there is this awareness in 15 years? If not always, as we said Joice, there are also those - "idiots" - which is tattooed the initials of the boy. How much more ephemeral exists at that age ...

Who says no - Initial aside, tattoos 'standard' that go out of fashion among the young are tribal symbols, the symbol of infinity, animals. Wrists, shoulders, hips and lower back the "location" most popular for the girls arms for the boys. But also increase the tattoos more visible on the neck and hands (a row of rings tattooed). Silvia is 16 years old: "A visible tattoo would never do that, because it could have implications in the search for a job." Comforting thought, especially considering how difficult it is today to find a job, even without tattoos.

And the parents? Tattomania what they think of the children? Federica is 21 years old and now has nine tattoos. But first, a butterfly on her hip, she did in 15 years and, therefore, with the consent of mother Tina who says: "I gave in to the insistence, without enthusiasm, with conditions as it was small and in a place not visible . After the first has arrived the second, with the same characteristics. Then he turned 18 years old and, of course, decide on its own. " In getting a tattoo (or piercing), however, attention to "security." Lucrezia Frasin remember that a tattoo is not completely risk-free (because you may be allergic, without knowing it, one of the components injected), but stresses that the health and hygiene guarantees that the structure that runs it can give are very important for minimize the risks.

Laury said that when he consented to his daughter Martha, fourteen, put the Brillantino on the nose, visited many facilities. First requirements searches: cleaning, reliability empathic the "piercers" and the feeling of professionalism of the structure.

The association and the rules - but beyond the sensations and in the absence of a "register of tattoo artists," which does not exist in Italy, how to navigate? Only in Milan there are hundreds of "centers tattoos" (and piercing): those with websites articolatissimi, to the shops with the words barely Tattoo 'tattooed' on a sticker. Not to mention the improvisers. As the friend of Maria, 15, who tried with the needle, at home, give her a tongue piercing, operation aborted along the way.

Bruno Valsecchi, President dell'Aptpt (professional tattoo artists and piercers Association Italian) points out that professionals are constantly involved in the field of security and quality of service offered by the centers associated with tattoos and piercings, and even in a regulatory landscape Italian frastagliatissimo and different from region to region, the association has drawn up for the use of users, "Evaluation parameters of a professional tattoo and body piercing" to help you select the better.

As for costs, a piercing "safe" is done today with 40-70 € (depending on the body part that you want to "pinch"), while the figure for a tattoo depends on the size and the time it takes. A tattoo small coast suppergiù 100-150 euro.


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