
All tattoo Belen Rodriguez


The love story, has become a soap opera, which has excited the observers of gossip could not be completed without the night before the fight.

Belen Rodriguez and Fabrizio Corona broke up, they confirmed both, the reasons for their separation has not yet been defined, but there are other chapters in merito.Corona has evicted Belen in the true sense of the word, did find under the door of the building all her things inside the bags, there's nothing left of Argentine showgirl but a last gift, indelible and indestructible, a tattoo.

In fact, Novella 2000 he published photos of the last night together the two ex-boyfriends, that he spent in the apartment in Milan. The night, so to speak, before the holiday to Formentera and the first meeting of Marco Borriello and Belen Rodriguez in Ibiza, where the two met only as amici.Sta of the fact that the protagonist of the 2010 calendar of Tim appeared a bit 'sad, perhaps thoughtful, perhaps in love with another and Fabrizio could not read between the lines, did not want to broach the subject thinking that everything could be resolved with a gift. No jewelry, a tattoo to remind their love.

This is called the well-known tattoo artist Schultz, who has drawn on an ankle bracelet of flowers (roses or tulips) and this tattoo is a musical note and a half moon, recalling the initial 'C' crown, flanked by two stars.

The showgirl seems to suffer, but grits his teeth and as they say if they are roses bloom, but they will not move and never ending love story between Belen and Corona ... at least for the moment.
Belen and the butterfly of San Remo

Sanremo 2012, after much controversy, and reasons for not looking at him, comes one for which the male audience, at least for a few seconds, remained glued to the television screen. Belen Rodriguez, discovered valley of the evening alongside Elisabetta Canalis, performing in a nude that leaves little to the imagination. One of the changes of clothes once again on the stage of the Ariston in a dress two-tone, from the gap vertiginoso.A look good but the gap a lot of salt, so that you can see on the detail of the butterfly left free in the groin area. Belen is trousers, and with much nonchalance shown to the public for almost his entire side A. The butterfly flies to San Remo becomes the object of desire shared on twitter, where in a few minutes depopulated the still image of the precious tattoo. Raining comments ironic: the butterfly # of Belen is no stranger to cameras around there Tobias Blanco? And so on and so forth.


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